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Annual Charity Project "Support to young opera singers"
together with Vladimir Deviatov's Center of Russian Culture under the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Government of Moscow

International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University
Vladimir Deviatov's Center of Russian Culture and Art

Sponsors of the International Vocal School (2000 - 2004)

The singing-masters of the International Vocal School 2000-2004
(in alphabetic order)

Vazha CHACHAVA - Professor, Head Department of the Chaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, National Artist of Georgia (Russia)
Robert COWART - Professor, leading specialist in language vocal of the Metropolitan Opera, New York (USA)
George DARDEN - Assistant conductor and a pianist of the Metropolitan Opera, New York (USA)
Anna MARGULIS - Pianist, Diplomant of International Competitions, vocal coach, Moscow Theatre "Novaya Opera", Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory (Russia)
Rudolf PIERNAY - Professor of Singing, Hochschule of Music (Mannheim, Germany), Royal Academy of Music and Guildhall School of Music and Drama (London, UK)
Galina PISARENKO - Professor of the Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory, National Artist of Russia.
Lenore ROZENBERG - Associate Artistic Administrator, Director of the Lindemann Young Singers Development Program, Metropolitan Opera, New York (USA)
Peter SKUSNICHENKO - Professor, Head of the Solo Singing Chair and Dean of Vocal Faculty of the Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory.
Alberto TRIOLA - Art Director of the Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli in Cremona and the Leading Art consultant of Teatro Carlo Felice in Genova (Italy).
Dmitri VDOVIN - Head of the vocal department of Gnesiny State Musical College
Diane ZOLA - Director of the Opera Studio of the Houston Grand Opera (USA).

Council of the Project

Vladimir DEVIATOV - National Artist of the Russia, Art Director of the Center of Russian Culture and Art (Russia)
Mark LIBERZON - Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation, President of the International Trustee Fund of the Tsyolkovsky Moscow State Aviation Technological University (Russia)
Anna MARGULIS - Pianist, Diplomant of International Competitions, vocal coach, Moscow Theatre "Novaya Opera", Moscow State Chaikovsky Conservatory (Russia)
Lenore ROSENBERG - Associate Artistic Administrator, Director of the Lindemann Young Singers Development Program, Metropolitan Opera, New York (USA)
Dmitri VDOVIN - Head, Vocal Department, Gnesin State Musical College (Russia)

First School May 12 - 14, 2000Maestro Lenore Rosenberg, the Artistic Administrator of the Metropolitan Opera, gave a Master-Class in Moscow. More than 30 young Russian singers took part in it. Two of them - Rodion Pogossov, student of the Gnesin Music Academy, and Lyubov Petrova, student of the Moscow State Conservatory, were invited to the Metropolitan Opera in New York for the season of 2000 - 2001.

Second School April 6-13, 2001, Moscow. Young opera singers, coaches for singers and vocal coaches from the Metropolitan Opera of New York, the Houston Grand Opera, Opera Theaters and Musical Institutions from Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg Vilnius (Lithuania) and other cities took part. Open lessons and master-classes were done by well-known vocal teachers and coaches for singers. Final Gala-Concert was held on April 13, 2001 . The Concert's CD is available.

Third School May 19-26, 2002, Moscow. Auditions of young singers from different Regions of Russia (Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Nigny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk) and other countries were held. Open lessons and master-classes were done by well-known vocal teachers and coaches for singers George Darden (USA), Alberto Triola (Italy), Diane Zola (USA), Galina Pisarenko, Petr Skusnichenko and Vazha Chachava (Russia), Anna Margulis (Russia). At the Richter's Museum was held the Scool's young singers Concert with pianist George Darden (USA). Final Gala-Concert was held on May 26, 2002. The Concert's CD is available.

Fourth School May 18-26, 2003, Moscow. Auditions of young singers from different Regions of Russia and other countries were held. Open lessons and master-classes were done by well-known vocal teachers and coaches for singers George Darden, Robert Cowart and Diane Zola (USA), Galina Pisarenko, Anna Margulis and Vazha Chachava (Russia). At the Shalyapin's Museum were held Vocal Evening by Kathryn Chilcote (USA) with pianist Anna Margulis (Russia) and the Scool's young singers Concert with pianist George Darden (USA). Final Gala-Concert with pianists Anna Margulis (Russia) and George Darden (USA) was held on May 26, 2003. The Concert's CD is available.

Fifth School, May 23 - 30, June 28 - 29, 2004, Moscow. Auditions of young singers from different Regions of Russia and other countries were held. Open lessons and master-classes were done by well-known vocal teachers and coaches for singers George Darden and Diane Zola (USA), Rudolf Piernay (UK/Germany), Galina Pisarenko, Vazha Chachava and Anna Margulis (Russia). Vocal teachers from Kemerovo, Surgut, Nizhni Novgorod, Makhachkala, Majikop, Ekaterinburg, St.-Petersburg, Khabarovsk and others cities of Russia and CIS have attended the School. At Pushkin's Museum (53, Staryi Arbat Str.) was held Concert of the Scool's young singers with pianist George Darden (USA) on May 29, 2004. Gala-Concert with pianists Anna Margulis (Russia) and George Darden (USA) was held on May 30, 2004. The Concert's CD is available. Meetings with Maestro Lenore Rozenberg (USA) were held on June 28-29, 2004.

VI School, April 25 - 27, May 22 - 29, September 10, 11 2005, Moscow.

 Email (elena@fund.ru)
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