" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0> <% sub BuildTabs(Lang, ActBtn, IsIndex) dim I_ROOT dim i dim items() dim hints() dim links() redim items(14) redim hints(14) redim links(14) if Lang=0 then I_ROOT = Application("Eng_Root") items(0) = "Home" hints(0) = "Home" items(1) = "Appeal" hints(1) = "Appeal" items(2) = "About" hints(2) = "About the Fund" items(3) = "Geography" hints(3) = "Geography" items(4) = "Administration
of the Fund" hints(4) = "Administration of the Fund" items(5) = "Members" hints(5) = "The Fund members" items(6) = "Information
Fund Activities" hints(6) = "Events of the Fund" items(7) = "Programs" hints(7) = "The Fund programs" items(8) = "Badge of the Fund" hints(8) = "Награждение знаком Фонда" items(10) = "Feedback" hints(10) = "Feedback form" items(11) = "" hints(11) = "What""s New" items(12) = "Search" hints(12) = "Search on the site" items(13) = "Memorial Data" hints(13) = "Memorial Data" else I_ROOT = Application("Rus_Root") items(0) = "Начало" hints(0) = "Начальная страница" items(1) = "Обращение" hints(1) = "Обращение" items(2) = "О Фонде" hints(2) = "Информация о Фонде" items(3) = "География" hints(3) = "География" items(4) = "Руководство Фонда" hints(4) = "Руководство Фонда" items(5) = "Члены Фонда" hints(5) = "Список членов Фонда" items(6) = "Информация о деятельности
Фонда" hints(6) = "Информация о деятельности Фонда" items(7) = "Программы" hints(7) = "Программы Фонда" items(8) = "Награждение знаком Фонда" hints(8) = "Награждение знаком Фонда" items(10) = "Комментарии" hints(10) = "Форма для комментариев" items(11) = "Юбилейный конгресс Фонда" hints(11) = "Юбилейный конгресс Фонда" items(12) = "Поиск" hints(12) = "Поиск по сайту" items(13) = "Страница
памяти" hints(13) = "Страница памяти" end if links(0) = I_ROOT+"index.asp" links(1) = I_ROOT+"appeal.asp" links(2) = I_ROOT+"about.asp" links(3) = I_ROOT+"geography/index.asp" links(4) = I_ROOT+"trusteeboard.asp" links(5) = I_ROOT+"members.asp" links(6) = I_ROOT+"activitiesf.asp" links(7) = I_ROOT+"programs/index.asp" links(8) = I_ROOT+"znfund.asp" links(10) = I_ROOT+"feedback.asp" links(11) = I_ROOT+"ukf.asp" links(12) = I_ROOT+"search.asp" links(13) = I_ROOT+"memo/index.asp" Response.Write("") Response.Write("") Response.Write("") Response.Write("") End sub %> <%BuildTabs 0,13,0%>
") Response.Write("") Response.Write("") if Lang = 1 then Response.Write("
Сегодня: "&Date()) else Response.Write("
Today: "&Date()) end if Response.Write("
") Response.Write("") for i = 0 to 14 Response.Write("") if i = 0 then Response.Write("") end if if i = ActBtn then if IsIndex = 1 then Response.Write("" next Response.Write("
 "&items(i)) else Response.Write(""&items(i)&"") end if else Response.Write(""&items(i)&"") end if Response.Write "


Alexandr Ivanovich Lebed
20 April 1950 - 28 April 2002

           The Vice-President and member of the Trustee Board of the International Trustee Fund from 1996 to 2002. Chair-man of the Trustee Board of the Siberian Charity Trustee Fund from 1998 to 2002.
           Delegate of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the RF, Secretary of the Security Council of the RF, Gover-nor of Krasnoyarsk Region.

 Email (elena@fund.ru)
This page last updated Thursday February 11 2010 by <webmaster@fund.ru>

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All rights reserved